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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Numerical Ecology Vol. 24
Autor: Legendre, Pierre / Legendre, Louis Precio: $2199.00
Editorial: Elsevier Saunders Año: 2012
Tema: Algebra Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780444538680
The book describes and discusses the numerical methods which are successfully being used for analysing ecological data, using a clear and comprehensive approach. These methods are derived from the fields of mathematical physics, parametric and nonparametric statistics, information theory, numerical taxonomy, archaeology, psychometry, sociometry, econometry and others.¦An updated, 3rd English edition of the most widely cited book on quantitative analysis of multivariate ecological data
¦Relates ecological questions to methods of statistical analysis, with a clear description of complex numerical methods
¦All methods are illustrated by examples from the ecological literature so that ecologists clearly see how to use the methods and approaches in their own research
¦All calculations are available in R language functions
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