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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Limit Theorems In Probability, Statistics And Number Theory
Autor: Eichelsbacher, P. ; Elsner, G. ; Kösters, H. ; Löwe, M. ; Merkl, Precio: $2375.31
Editorial: Springer Verlag Año: 2013
Tema: Matematicas, Probabilidades, Estadistica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9783642360671
Presents unifying aspects of probability, statistics and number theory
Connects asymptotic enumerative combinatorics, particle systems and approximation theory?
Presents questions and techniques for new approaches and a wide range of applications
Limit theorems and asymptotic results form a central topic in probability theory and mathematical statistics. New and non-classical limit theorems have been discovered for processes in random environments, especially in connection with random matrix theory and free probability. These questions and the techniques for answering them combine asymptotic enumerative combinatorics, particle systems and approximation theory, and are important for new approaches in geometric and metric number theory as well. Thus, the contributions in this book include a wide range of applications with surprising connections ranging from longest common subsequences for words, permutation groups, random matrices and free probability to entropy problems and metric number theory.
The book is the product of a conference that took place in August 2011 in Bielefeld, Germany to celebrate the 60th birthday of Friedrich Götze, a noted expert in this field.

Content Level » Research

Keywords » 60F05, 62E20, 60-06, 46L54, 60B20, 60E10, 11J83 - asymptotic approximations - asymptotic distributions - free probability - limit theorems - random matrices

Related subjects » Analysis - Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics - Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
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