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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Colonialism/Postcolonialism
Autor: Loomba Ania Precio: $1425.00
Editorial: Routledge Año: 2005
Tema: Estudio, Cultura, Poscolonialidad Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780415350631
Recommended on courses across academic disciplines and around the world, Ania Loomba's Colonialism/Postcolonialism has for some years been accepted as the essential introduction to this vibrant and politically charged area of literary and cultural study.
This remarkably comprehensive yet accessible guide to the historical and theoretical dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies introduces and examines:
key features of the ideologies and history of colonialism
the relationship of colonial discourse to literature
challenges to colonialism, including anticolonial discourses
recent developments in postcolonial theories and histories
issues of sexuality and colonialism, and the intersection of feminist and postcolonial thought.
with extended coverage of emerging debates around globalization, as well as a fully updated bibliography, this second edition will continue to serve as the ideal guide for students new to colonial discourse theory, postcolonial studies or postcolonial theory.
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