De la Estructura Atómica a la Quiralidad. Algunos Conceptos de la Química Eusebio Juaristi Colegio Nacional |
Génesis de la Desorientación Moderna: una Aproximacióm a la Relación Histórica E Talancón E. , José Luis Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Título: Thermal-Fluid Sciences. An Integrated Approach | ||
Autor: Turns, Stephen | Precio: $1210.00 | |
Editorial: Cambridge University Press | Año: 2006 | |
Tema: Ciencia, Quimica, Ingenieria | Edición: 1ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780521850438 | |
Thermal-Fluid Sciences is a truly integrated textbook for engineering courses covering thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics. This integration is based on: 1. The fundamental conservation principles of mass, energy, and momentum; 2. A hierarchical grouping of related topics; 3. The early introduction and revisiting of practical device examples and applications. As with all great textbooks the focus is on accuracy and accessibility. To enhance the learning experience Thermal-Fluid Sciences features full color illustrations. The robust pedagogy includes: chapter learning objectives, overviews, historical vignettes, numerous examples which follow a consistent problem-solving format enhanced by innovative self tests and color coding to highlight significant equations and advanced topics. Each chapter concludes with a brief summary and a unique checklist of key concepts and definitions. Integrated tutorials show the student how to use modern software including the NIST Database (included on the in-text CD) to obtain thermodynamic and transport properties. |