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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Logic Of Knowledge Bases. The
Autor: Levesque, Hector J. And Gerhard Lakemeyer Precio: $728.00
Editorial: The Mit Press Año: 2000
Tema: Logica, Logistica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780262122320
This book is about the logic of such knowledge bases. It describes in detail the relationship between symbolic representations of knowledge and abstract states of knowledge, exploring along the way the foundations of knowledge, knowledge bases, knowledge-based systems, and knowledge representation and reasoning. Assuming some familiarity with first-order predicate logic, the book offers a new mathematical model of knowledge that is general and expressive yet more workable in practice than previous models. The book presents a style of semantic argument and formal analysis that would be cumbersome or completely impractical with other approaches. It also shows how to treat a knowledge base as an abstract data type, completely specified in an abstract way by the knowledge-level operations defined over it.
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