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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Spectroelectrochemistry
Autor: Kaim, Wolfgang / Klein, Axel Precio: $4000.00
Editorial: Rsc Publishing Año: 2008
Tema: Quimica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780854045501
Electrochemistry affects several relevant research subjects of physics, chemistry and biology such as the transformation of materials, the transfer of information (especially in living systems), or the conversion and storage of energy. In addition, electrochemical processes constitute a major class of chemical reactions both in the laboratory and on large industrial scales. While conventional analytical electrochemistry provides excellent methods to determine concentrations (e.g. in sensor technology), to yield energy data in the form of redox potentials and to elucidate formal reaction mechanisms via kinetic analysis, these techniques alone are often not immediately suitable to identify unknown species which are formed as intermediates or as products in a redox reaction. The combination of reaction-oriented electrochemistry with species-focussed spectroscopy in spectroelectrochemistry can solve this problem and thus allow for a more complete analysis of electron transfer processes and complex redox reactions. Many research groups from various sub-fields of the chemical sciences have engaged in recent years in using and developing this combined methodology
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