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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Wind Wizard
Autor: Roberts Siobhan Precio: $480.00
Editorial: Princeton Año: 2013
Tema: Ingenieria, Matematicas, Fisica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780691151533
Wind Wizard is an unlikely gem, a biography of both a man and a field... From now on, I shall refer students and professors alike to Roberts' clear account... Roberts has written a largely equation free book in which technical subtleties such as aeroelasticity and Davenport's statistical description of turbulent buffeting are set out clearly, engagingly and accurately. Her precise, vivid phrases, such as vortices 'pushing and shoving the structure this way and that like a gang of bullies', will enliven my future lectures.--Allan McRobie, Nature Recommended... The dramatic undulations and final collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 demonstrated the power of wind and impelled a new discipline of wind engineering. Alan G. Davenport led the field with his meticulous science and innovative wind tunnel. Journalist Roberts delves into Davenport's portfolio of superlatives, which includes the world's tallest bridge, France's Millau Viaduct.--Marissa Fessenden, Scientific American Richly drawn... A winning, enlightening investigation into wind engineering and the man who made the airwaves speak.--Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Roberts's book is more than an account of Davenport's life--it also provides fascinating insights into some of civil engineering's greatest achievements, and closest shaves. She reminds us how much we rely on wind engineering: from portable toilets to space rockets, Davenport tested everything... With climate change making violent storms like Sandy more common, the story of the wind wizard has never been more relevant.--Ben Crystall, New Scientist Roberts' Wind Wizard is a tenaciously gripping and extraordinarily well-told tale of one of the great figures in structural engineering.--Nick Smith, Engineering & Technology Roberts has done a very good job demonstrating the importance of Davenport's more sophisticated approach to wind and its effects on structures in making many of the world's tall buildings possible.
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