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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Measure Theory a First Course
Autor: Kubrusly, Carlos S. Precio: $928.00
Editorial: Academic Press Año: 2007
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780123708991
This contemporary first course focuses on concepts and ideas of Measure Theory, highlighting the theoretical side of the subject. Its primary intention is to introduce Measure Theory to a new generation of students, whether in mathematics or in one of the sciences, by offering them on the one hand a text with complete, rigorous and detailed proofs--sketchy proofs have been a perpetual complaint, as demonstrated in the many Amazon reader reviews critical of authors who "omit 'trivial' steps" and "make not-so-obvious 'it is obvious' remarks." On the other hand, Kubrusly offers a unique collection of fully hinted problems. On the other hand, Kubrusly offers a unique collection of fully hinted problems. The author invites the readers to take an active part in the theory construction, thereby offering them a real chance to acquire a firmer grasp on the theory they helped to build. These problems, at the end of each chapter, comprise complements and extensions of the theory, further examples and counterexamples, or auxiliary results. They are an integral part of the main text, which sets them apart from the traditional classroom or homework exercises.
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