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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Five Future Strategies You Need Right Now
Autor: Stalk George Precio: $252.00
Editorial: Harvard University Press Año: 2008
Tema: Estrategias, Empresa, Negocios Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781422121269
This book is from the new Memo to the CEO series from Harvard Business School, a series of decidedly concise business guides targeted to the harried executive with little time on his or her hands. Renowned strategist and consultant Stalk reflects on what he believes to be some of the most important challenges to be emerging in the current business environment. Imports and outsourcing to Asia have created competitive advantages but have also changed the landscape in drastic ways with unforeseen difficulties ahead; our ports are already overtaxed, and at the current growth rate of imports into this country, major adjustments will need to be made. Stalk discusses the advantages of nimbleness over economies of scale, concepts such as the "disposable factory," dynamic pricing, and whether to simplify or to embrace complexity. The ideas are not examined in depth or through the lens of social or environmental implications but rather act as springboards to new ways of thinking about business models and the future.
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