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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Mathematical Statistics With Applications
Autor: Wackerly, Mendenhall, Scheaffer Precio: $2696.30
Editorial: Thomson Año: 2007
Tema: Matematicas, Estadistica, Probabilidades Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780495385080
This is an adequate text up until chapter 6. The probability chapter the the discrete probability distributions are great. The concepts and derivations are logically laid out and make sense. Things begin to get frustrating in chapter 4 and really fall apart after chapter 6. After chapter four the author no longer tries to put anything in context. He derives very little and simply states long, cryptic formulas and expects the reader to magicaly understand the big picture and fill in the gaps on their own. He skips over the over 200 years of the development in statictical theory and simply states the results and the student is expected to fill in the gap. The most self evident properties are expounded on in the chapters and the most important and subtle properties are hidden in the exercises or neglected altogether. I am nearly finished with my undergraduate degree in applied mathematics and am mathematicaly mature. I am comfortable with both applied and pure/proof-type mathematics and this text makes my stomach turn. It makes me want to reconsider my major. I am giving this text 2 stars simply because the first 5 chapters are adequate. If you just need a course in probability, this might be the text for you. If you need to move on to statistical inference and you need the big picture/contextual background explained rather than pluging and chuging blindly with nonsensical formulas, then this is not the text for you. Way to drop the ball, Wackerly!
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