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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Discovering Statistics Using Spss
Autor: Andy Field Precio: $1087.00
Editorial: Sage Publications, Inc. Año: 2009
Tema: Ciencia, Biologia Molecular, Bioquimica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781847879073
"Field has introduced important new introductory material on statistics... This book is the best blend that I know of a textbook in statistics and a manual on SPSS."
_David C. Howell, University of Vermont (Emeritus)

"It is definitely the best written stats book I've seen. I found myself reading through it like a novel, just because I found it interesting. In addition, I like that it is well-integrated with the SPSS information, and I think the students will really appreciate it, too."
_Kimberly Dasch, University of Delaware

Written in his vivid and entertaining style, Andy Field continues to provide students with everything they need to understand, use and report statistics_at every level_in the brand-new Third Edition of Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. Retaining the strong pedagogy from previous editions, he makes statistics meaningful by including playful examples from everyday student life (among other places), creating a gateway into the often intimidating world of statistics. In the process, he presents an opportunity for students to ground their knowledge of statistics through the use of SPSS.
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