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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: How To Solve It: Modern Heuristics
Autor: Michalewics, Zbigniew Precio: $870.00
Editorial: Springer Science+business Media Inc. Año: 2004
Tema: Ciencia, Estrategias Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9783540224945
This book is the only source that provides comprehensive, current, and correct information on problem solving using modern heuristics. It covers classic methods of optimization, including dynamic programming, the simplex method, and gradient techniques, as well as recent innovations such as simulated annealing, tabu search, and evolutionary computation. Integrated into the discourse is a series of problems and puzzles to challenge the reader. The book is written in a lively, engaging style and is intended for students and practitioners alike. Anyone who reads and understands the material in the book will be armed with the most powerful problem solving tools currently known.

This second edition contains two new chapters, one on coevolutionary systems and one on multicriterial decision-making. Also some new puzzles are added and various subchapters are revised
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