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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Young Citizens And New Media
Autor: Dahlgren Peter Precio: $1729.00
Editorial: Routledge Año: 2007
Tema: Medios de Comunicacion, Aprendizaje Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780415395991
This book integrates four distinct topics: young people, citizenship, new media, and learning processes. When taken together, these four topics merge to define an arena of social and research attention that has become compelling in recent years.

The general international concern expressed of declining democratic engagement and the role of citizenship today becomes all the more acute when it turns to younger people. At the same time, there is growing attention being paid to the potential of new media âÇ" especially internet and mobile telephony âÇ" to play a role in facilitating newer forms of political participation. It is clear that many of the present manifestations of âÇÿnew politicsâÇÖ in the extra parliamentarian domain, not only make sophisticated use of such media, but are indeed highly dependent on them.

With an impressive array of contributors, this book will appeal to those interested in a number of spheres, including media and cultural studies, political science, pedagogy, and sociology.

Como en sus ediciones anteriores, ésta organiza la exposicion de los temas en dos enfoques: el tradicional de grupo funcional con el macamísmo; así, el estudiante inicia con lo más sencillo (alquenos) para avanzar paulatinamente a lo más complejo de una manera lineal.
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