Migration And The Construction Of National Identity In Spain Kleiner-Liebau, Désirée Iberoamericana Vervuert |
Estado Anomico- Derecho Seguridad Publica y Vida Cotidiana en America Latina Waldmann Peter Iberoamericana Vervuert |
School Shootings: Mediatized Violence In a Global Age (Studies In Media And Comm Muschert, Glenn / Sumiala, Johanna Emerald Group Publishing Ltd . |
Dinámica Social de las Organizaciones Méndez, José / Zorrilla, Santiago / Monroy, Fidel Mc Graw Hill Interamericana de Mexico |
Knowledge And Networking: On Communication In The Social Sciences Oleinik, Anton Transaction Publishers |
Family Environments, School Resources, And Educational Outcomes Kao, Grace / Park, Hyunjoon Emerald Group Publishing Ltd . |
Título: Media, Society, World: Social Theory And Digital Media Practice | ||
Autor: Paterson Mark | Precio: $450.00 | |
Editorial: Polity | Año: 2012 | |
Tema: Sociologia | Edición: 1ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780745639215 | |
Media are fundamental to our sense of living in a social world. Since the beginning of modernity, media have transformed the scale on which we act as social beings. And now in the era of digital media, media themselves are being transformed as platforms, content, and producers multiply.
Yet the implications of social theory for understanding media and of media for rethinking social theory have been neglected; never before has it been more important to understand those implications. This book takes on this challenge. Drawing on Couldry's fifteen years of work on media and social theory, this book explores how questions of power and ritual, capital and social order, and the conduct of political struggle, professional competition, and everyday life, are all transformed by today's complex combinations of traditional and 'new' media. In the concluding chapters Couldry develops a framework for global comparative research into media and for thinking collectively about the ethics and justice of our lives with media. The result is a book that is both a major intervention in the field and required reading for all students of media and sociology. |