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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Weber's Guide To Pipes And Pipe Smoking
Autor: Weber, Carl Precio: $272.00
Editorial: Sunvillage Publications Año: 2010
Tema: Aficiones Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781438288512
The road to true pipe smoking pleasure is neither long nor hard. A good pipe properly filled with carefully selected tobaccos, and smoked with care and skill, will reward its owner with unmatched taste and aroma. The pipe smoker never seeks stimulation through inhaling. On the contrary, the very act of lighting the pipe and smoking it will take his mind off his troubles and induce a relaxed frame of mind. The sole purpose of this book is to help the smoker achieve these rare moments of serenity, which are increasingly hard to come by in the accelerating pace of the modern world.
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