Tels.: DF (55) 55 54 94 02 • Cuernavaca (777) 102 83 86
portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Linear Algebra (Undergraduate Texts In Mathematics)
Autor: Serge Lang Precio: $1040.00
Editorial: Springer Verlag Año: 2004
Tema: Algebra, Matematicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780387964126
This book begins with an exposition of the basic theory of vector spaces and proceeds to explain the fundamental structure theorem for linear maps, including eigenvectors and eigenvalues, quadratic and hermitian forms, diagnolization of symmetric, hermitian, and unitary linear maps and matrices, triangulation, and Jordan canonical form. Material in this new edition has been rewritten and reorganized and new exercises have been added.
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