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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Plane Trigonometry With Practical Applications
Autor: Leonard E. Dickson Precio: Desconocido
Editorial: American Mathematical Society Año: 1970
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780828402309
In all his books, advanced and elementary, Dickson is noted for the extraordinary clarity of his writing. This very elementary book is no exception.

From the Preface: "This book introduces at an early stage concrete applications ... We thereby obtain an abundance of simple problems whose importance is so convincing that they cannot fail to arouse real interest. Actual experience with classes has firmly convinced the author that these practical applications offer the best means to drive home the principles of trigonometry and to make the subject truly vital."

Table of Contents

Trigonometric functions of acute angles
Solution of right triangles by means of tables of the natural functions
Traverse table; Solution of right triangles by inspection; Problems on forces and refraction of light
Logarithms, slide rule
Solution of right triangles by logarithms
Navigation: Dead reckoning
Part I. The sailings (true course assumed)
Part II. Finding the true course; Compass corrections
Land surveying
Part I. Balancing a survey, area (true bearings assumed)
Part II. Surveying instruments; Finding true bearings
Trigonometric functions of any angle
Solution of oblique triangles
Relations between functions of several angles
Graphs of the trigonometric functions and their inverses, radians
List and index of formulas
Index, including index to definitions
Answers to certain of the first five exercises of each set
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