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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Kuznetsov's Trace Formula And The Hecke Eigenvalues Of Maass Forms
Autor: A. Knightly Precio: $1140.80
Editorial: American Mathematical Society Año: 2013
Tema: Matematicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780821887448
The authors give an adelic treatment of the Kuznetsov trace formula as a relative trace formula on GL(2) over Q . The result is a variant which incorporates a Hecke eigenvalue in addition to two Fourier coefficients on the spectral side. The authors include a proof of a Weil bound for the generalized twisted Kloosterman sums which arise on the geometric side. As an application, they show that the Hecke eigenvalues of Maass forms at a fixed prime, when weighted as in the Kuznetsov formula, become equidistributed relative to the Sato-Tate measure in the limit as the level goes to infinity.

Table of Contents

¦Bi-K 8 -invariant functions on GL 2 (R) ¦Maass cusp forms
¦Eisenstein series
¦The kernel of R(f) ¦A Fourier trace formula for GL(2) ¦Validity of the KTF for a broader class of h ¦Kloosterman sums
¦Equidistribution of Hecke eigenvalues
¦Notation index
¦Subject index
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