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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Fractals In Graz 2001
Autor: Grabner, Peter; Woess, Wolfgang (Eds.) Precio: $2281.50
Editorial: Springer Verlag Año: 2003
Tema: Matematicas, Geometria Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9783034894036
This book contains the proceedings of the conference "Fractals in Graz 2001 - Analysis, Dynamics, Geometry, Stochastics" that was held in June 2001 at Graz University of Technology, Styria, Austria. The volume presents a multitude of different directions of active current research linked with the modern theory of fractal structures. All papers were written upon invitation by the editors. The book is addressed to mathematicians and scientists who are interested in any of the following topics: - fractal dimensions - fractal energies - fractal groups - stochastic processes on fractals - self-similarity - spectra of random walks - tilings - analysis on fractals - dynamical systems. The readers will be introduced to the most recent results and problems on these subjects. Both researchers and graduate students will benefit from the clear expositions.
Content Level » Research

Keywords » Dynamical systems - discrete mathematics - probability theory

Related subjects » Birkhäuser Applied Probability and Statistics - Birkhäuser Mathematics
Disponibilidad: Bajo pedido    Contáctanos  ó Solicítalo
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