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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Perspectivas Urbanas
Autor: Smolka, Martim O. And Laura Mullahy Precio: $550.00
Editorial: Lincoln Institute Año: 2010
Tema: Urbanismo, Arquitectura Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781558441637
Introducción PDF 313 KB

Capítulo 1: Tendencias y perspectivas de las políticas de suelo PDF 2.38 MB

Capítulo 2: Informalidad, regularización y derecho de propiedad PDF 2.66 MB

Capítulo 3: Impuestos a la propiedad PDF 3.15 MB

Capítulo 4: Recuperación de plusvalías PDF 1.93 MB

Capítulo 5: Uso del suelo y desarrollo urbano PDF 2.26 MB

Capítulo 6: Participación y gestión pública PDF 1.22 MB

Capítulo 7: Impactos y evaluación de las políticas de suelo PDF 2.64 MB

Índices y Autores PDF 195 KB

The Lincoln Institute has prepared a new CD-ROM version of the Spanish language book Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina (Urban Perspectives: Critical Land Policy Themes in Latin America), edited by Martim O. Smolka and Laura Mullahy. The 2007 volume contains 63 articles originally published in English in Land Lines between 1994 and 2005.

The CD includes an additional chapter of 22 articles, most of them published since 2005. They are organized according to the book's focus on six themes: trends and perspectives in land policy; informality, regularization, and property rights; property taxation; value capture; land use and urban development; and public participation in development processes.

The new articles reflect some important changes that have occurred in Latin America and at the Lincoln Institute over the past several years. Nearly two-thirds of the articles report on research supported by the Institute's Latin America Program, and most of the others are interviews originally published in Land Lines as faculty profiles. These interviews offer an opportunity to explore the program's activities through the voices of some of its closest collaborators.
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