Tels.: DF (55) 55 54 94 02 • Cuernavaca (777) 102 83 86
portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Graduate Texts In Mathematics Real And Functional Analysis
Autor: Lang, Serge Precio: $1200.00
Editorial: Springer Verlag Año: 1993
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780387940014
This book is meant as a text for a first-year graduate course in analysis. In a sense, it covers the same topics as elementary calculus but treats them in a manner suitable for people who will be using it in further mathematical investigations. The organization avoids long chains of logical interdependence, so that chapters are mostly independent. This allows a course to omit material from some chapters without compromising the exposition of material from later chapters.
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