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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Spherical Tube Hypersurfaces (Vol. 2020)
Autor: Isaev, Alexander Precio: $821.30
Editorial: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Año: 2011
Tema: Matematicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9783642197826
We examine Levi non-degenerate tube hypersurfaces in complex linear space which are "spherical," that is, locally CR-equivalent to the real hyperquadric. Spherical hypersurfaces are characterized by the condition of the vanishing of the CR-curvature form, so such hypersurfaces are flat from the CR-geometric viewpoint. On the other hand, such hypersurfaces are also of interest from the point of view of affine geometry. Thus our treatment of spherical tube hypersurfaces in this book is two-fold: CR-geometric and affine-geometric. As the book shows, spherical tube hypersurfaces possess remarkable properties. For example, every such hypersurface is real-analytic and extends to a closed real-analytic spherical tube hypersurface in complex space. One of our main goals is to provide an explicit affine classification of closed spherical tube hypersurfaces whenever possible. In this book we offer a comprehensive exposition of the theory of spherical tube hypersurfaces, starting with the idea proposed in the pioneering work by P. Yang (1982) and ending with the new approach put forward by G. Fels and W. Kaup (2009).
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