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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Marx His Time And Ours. (The International Library Of Sociology)
Autor: Schlesinger, Rudolf Precio: $622.00
Editorial: Routledge Año: 2010
Tema: Sociologia Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780415605007
"As the title of this book indicates, I am dealing far less with the internal coherence of Marx's argument in the conditions of its origin than with the issue of how far questions and answers conditioned by that setting are relevant for our, very different, days. The grat World-religions provide conspicuous examples of ideologies whose motive power was, and is, being exercised in conditions very different from those which they were shaped, but a scientific ideology should be measured, if not by its capacity to forecast the conditions of its realisations, at least, by the possibility of deriving from its basic tenets the reason for its modifications. .." Rudolf Schlesinger.
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