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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Tales Of Henry James. (Norton Critical Edition)
Autor: Wegelin, Christof; Wonham, Henry B. (Eds.) Precio: $310.00
Editorial: W. W. Norton Año: 2003
Tema: Critica Literaria Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780393977103
Nine of James's most important tales, including (new to the second edition) "In the Cage," a tale that engages James's complicated attitudes toward gender, class, and the rise of information technology. "The Author on His Craft" again reprints James's critical essay "The Art of Fiction" and related passages from his notebooks, including a new passage on "In the Cage." "Criticism" has been entirely updated and includes ten new essays by critics who during the last twenty-five years have helped to establish the lines of debate about James's tales. An updated Selected Bibliography is also included.
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