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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Thinker`s Thesaurus
Autor: Meltzer Peter E. Precio: $290.00
Editorial: W. W. Norton Año: 2010
Tema: Finanzas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780393337945
"Endlessly readable and wonderfully instructive." _Robert Hartwell Fiske, author, The Dimwit's Dictionary
"A million dollars' worth of fifty-cent words." _Erin McKean, editor, Verbatim
"One of the most distinctive features of the book is its use of proper names as synonyms." _Chicago Tribune
"A special, offbeat supplement to a general compendium of synonyms." _The New York Times
"Meltzer's thesaurus may not be a new wheel, but it's definitely a new way to roll." _The Philadephia Enquirer
"Delves into the mostly untapped reservoir of the English lexicon, offering readers more than top-of-mind word choices." _Dow Jones Newsletter
"If you love words, you will be hooked on this book."
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