Marketing And Outreach For The Academic Library: New Approaches And Initiatives Lee Eden, Bradford Rowman & Littlefield Publisher Inc |
Comercio Internacional (I): Mercadotecnía Internacional Importación-Exportación Mercado H, Salvador. Cesol |
Conocimiento Para Innovar. Cómo Evitar la Miopía en la Gestión del Conocimiento Arboníes, Ángel Ediciones Diaz de Santos |
2007 Level 1. Financial Statement Analysis. Vol 3. Cfa Institute. Pearson Educacion de Mexico S.A. de C.V. |
Título: Marketing Your Retail Store In The Internet Age | ||
Autor: Bob, Negen/ Susan, Negen | Precio: $420.00 | |
Editorial: Wiley | Año: 2006 | |
Tema: Empresa, Marketing, Guias | Edición: 1ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780470043936 | |
If you own and operate a small retail business, this guide will give you a proven system for marketing your store, allowing you to compete with online merchants and big-box stores alike. Full of fresh and innovative ideas for promoting small stores, it will show you how to create a great in-store experience and build loyal, long-lasting relationships with customers. |