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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Nanotechnology Deskbook
Autor: Lynn Beregeson, Tracy Hester Precio: $1540.00
Editorial: Island Press Año: 2008
Tema: Ciencia, Contaminacion Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781585761234
Nanotechnology promises to have far-reaching impacts on the economy, including offering technological advances in pollution control. While more than 200 products that use nanomaterials are already in the marketplace, minimal data exist on the health and environmental effects of nanomaterials. This poses significant questions for companies, regulators, consumers, and lawyers.

The Nanotechnology Deskbook guides the reader through the application of existing laws and regulations to nanomaterials by exploring domestic laws and regulations and considering developments in the international context.

Lynn L. Bergeson is managing director of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., a Washington, D.C., law firm, and President of The Acta Group, L.L.C., and The Acta Group EU, Ltd., Bergeson & Campbell's consulting affiliates. Tracy Hester heads the environmental law section of the Houston office of Bracewell & Giuliani LLP. Mr. Hester assists clients in regulatory counseling with an emphasis on enforcement defense, environmental permitting, and cost recovery litigation.

Table Of Contents
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