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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Resilience Thinking. Sustaining Ecosystems And People In a Changing World
Autor: David Salt, Brian Walker Precio: $350.00
Editorial: Island Press Año: 2006
Tema: Ecosistema, Ciencia, Medio Ambiente Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781597260930
Increasingly, cracks are appearing in the capacity of communities, ecosystems, and landscapes to provide the goods and services that sustain our planet's well-being. The response from most quarters has been for "more of the same" that created the situation in the first place: more control, more intensification, and greater efficiency.

"Resilience thinking" offers a different way of understanding the world and a new approach to managing resources. It embraces human and natural systems as complex entities continually adapting through cycles of change, and seeks to understand the qualities of a system that must be maintained or enhanced in order to achieve sustainability. It explains why greater efficiency by itself cannot solve resource problems and offers a constructive alternative that opens up options rather than closing them down.

In Resilience Thinking, scientist Brian Walker and science writer David Salt present an accessible introduction to the emerging paradigm of resilience. The book arose out of appeals from colleagues in science and industry for a plainly written account of what resilience is all about and how a resilience approach differs from current practices. Rather than complicated theory, the book offers a conceptual overview along with five case studies of resilience thinking in the real world. It is an engaging and important work for anyone interested in managing risk in a complex world.

Brian Walker is past Chief of Australia's CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology and is currently the Program Director of the Resilience Alliance.

David Salt is a science writer and editor with 18 years experience writing and producing popular science magazines and newsletters for a wide range of audiences.

Table Of Contents
Table of Contents




1. Living in a Complex World: An Introduction to Resilience Thinking


Carving up a National Icon: The Florida Everglades

2. The System Rules: Creating a Mind Space for Resilience Thinking


Between a (Salt) Rock and a Hard Place:
The Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia

3. Crossing the Threshold: Be Careful about the Path you Choose-You May Not Be Able to Return


Losing the Jewel in the Crown: The Coral Reefs of the Caribbean

4. In the Loop: Phases, Cycles, and Scales-Adaptive Cycles and How Systems Change


Scenarios on the Lakes: The Northern Highlands Lake District, Wisconsin

5. Making Sense of Resilience: How Do You Apply Resilience Thinking?


Building Resilience in the Wetlands: The Kristianstads Vattenrike, Sweden

6. Creating Space in a Shrinking World: Resilience and Sustainability


Further Reading



About the Authors

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