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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: New Consumers, The: The Influence Of Affluence On The Environment
Autor: Norman Myers Precio: $336.00
Editorial: Island Press Año: 2004
Tema: Consumidores, Recursos Naturales, Medio Ambiente Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781559639972
The New Consumers: The Influence of Affluence on the Environment by Norman Myers and Jennifer Kent
While overconsumption by the developed world's roughly one billion inhabitants is an abiding problem, another one billion increasingly affluent "new consumers" in developing countries will place additional strains on the earth's resources, argue authors Norman Myers and Jennifer Kent in this important new book.

The New Consumers: The Influence of Affluence on the Environment examines the environmental impacts of this increased consumption, with particular focus on two commodities -- cars and meat -- that stand to have the most far-reaching effects. It analyzes consumption patterns in a number of different countries, with special emphasis on China and India (whose surging economies, as well as their large populations, are likely to account for exceptional growth in humanity's ecological footprint), and surveys big-picture issues such as the globalization of economies, consumer goods, and lifestyles. Ultimately, according to Norman Myers and Jennifer Kent, the challenge will be for all of humanity to transition to sustainable levels of consumption, for it is unrealistic to expect "new" consumers not to aspire to be like the "old" ones.

Cogent in its analysis, The New Consumers issues a timely warning of a major and developing environmental trend, and suggests valuable strategies for ameliorating its effects.

Read an excerpt from Chapter 1 - Who Are the New Consumers?

The Authors
NORMAN MYERS is a world-renowned environmental analyst who has numerous important books and more than 300 scientific papers and 400 popular articles to his credit. He has won several international awards for his work, including the Volvo Environment Prize, the UNEP Environ-ment Prize, and the Blue Planet Prize.

JENNIFER KENT is an environmental researcher and analyst specializing in interdisciplinary studies. She has published several papers and books with Norman Myers.

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NORMAN MYERS is a world-renowned environmental analyst who has numerous important books and more than 300 scientific papers and 400 popular articles to his credit. He has won several international awards for his work, including the Volvo Environment Prize, the UNEP Environment Prize, and the Blue Planet Prize.

JENNIFER KENT is an environmental researcher and analyst specializing in interdisciplinary studies. She has published several papers and books with Norman Myers.

Table Of Contents

List of Tables and Figures


I: Who Are the New Consumers?

II: Cars: Driving Us Backwards

III: Meat: Juicy Steaks and Hidden Costs

IV: Further Resource Linkages: Household Electricity, Eco-Footprints,
and Human Numbers

V: China: A Giant Awake and Roaring

VI: India: The Second "Biggie"

VII: The Big Picture of 20 Countries

VIII: Sustainable Consumption: Where Do We Find It?

IX: Sustainable Consumption: How to Get from Here to There

Appendix A: GNI and Its Shortcomings

Appendix B: Four Outlier Countries


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