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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Polynomials
Autor: Prasolov Victor V Precio: $896.00
Editorial: Springer Publishing Company Año: 2004
Tema: Matematicas, Computacion Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9783642039799
This comprehensive book covers both long-standing results in the theory of polynomials and recent developments which have until now only been available in the research literature. After initial chapters on the location and separation of roots and on irreducibility criteria, the book covers more specialized polynomials, including those which are symmetric, integer-value or cyclotomic, and those of Chebyshev and Bernoulli. There follow chapters on Galois theory and ideals in polynomial rings. Finally there is a detailed discussion of Hilbert's 17th problem on the representation of non-negative polynomials as sums of squares of rational functions and generalizations.
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