Desarrollo Regional en México. Actores, Miradas y Relatos Gasca Zamora, José Bonilla Artigas Editores |
Innovación: Desafío Para el Desarrollo en el Siglo XXI Mutis, Josè Celestino Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Comercio Internacional (I): Mercadotecnía Internacional Importación-Exportación Mercado H, Salvador. Cesol |
Conocimiento Para Innovar. Cómo Evitar la Miopía en la Gestión del Conocimiento Arboníes, Ángel Ediciones Diaz de Santos |
Geografía Socioeconómica de México: Aspectos Físicos y Económicos Por Regiones Bassols Batalla , Angel Trillas S.A., Editorial |
2007 Level 1. Financial Statement Analysis. Vol 3. Cfa Institute. Pearson Educacion de Mexico S.A. de C.V. |
Título: Management | ||
Autor: Griffin | Precio: $2943.00 | |
Editorial: Houghton Mifflin | Año: 2006 | |
Tema: Empresa, Desarrollo, Tecnicas | Edición: 9ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780618767953 | |
Known for its cutting edge research and examples, Griffin's Management has helped hundreds of thousands of students prepare for careers in business. This highly successful program takes a functional approach to the process of management, with a focus on active planning, leading, organizing, and controlling. Ricky Griffin's straightforward writing style and well-researched in-text examples have made this book uncommonly student-friendly. The Ninth Edition has been significantly revised to reflect the most recent issues that managers face, with a new and enhanced focus on the service sector, ethics, global management, and information technology. Additionally, the text integrates issues such as the balance of theory and practice and uses examples based on small companies and non-profit organizations to underscore the idea that management is not simply confined to large businesses. |