Marketing And Outreach For The Academic Library: New Approaches And Initiatives Lee Eden, Bradford Rowman & Littlefield Publisher Inc |
Comercio Internacional (I): Mercadotecnía Internacional Importación-Exportación Mercado H, Salvador. Cesol |
Conocimiento Para Innovar. Cómo Evitar la Miopía en la Gestión del Conocimiento Arboníes, Ángel Ediciones Diaz de Santos |
2007 Level 1. Financial Statement Analysis. Vol 3. Cfa Institute. Pearson Educacion de Mexico S.A. de C.V. |
Título: Strategic Marketing | ||
Autor: Cravens | Precio: $429.00 | |
Editorial: Mc Graw Hill Interamericana de Mexico | Año: 2008 | |
Tema: Marketing, Empresa, Tecnicas | Edición: 9ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780071263351 | |
New and expanded scope-This new edition accentuates the global perspective in which the author team provides an extensive range of global involvement. This new scope allows students to recognize that competing in any market today requires a global perspective.
New and expanded scope-This new edition accentuates the global perspective in which the author team provides an extensive range of global involvement. This new scope allows students to recognize that competing in any market today requires a global perspective. New and current applications of business marketing initiatives are included in every chapter. These new features allow students to examine strategy, innovations, relationships, global ethics and corporate responsibility, Internet, and metrics aspects of business practice. Applications stress the management of strategic relationships throughout the value chain. New and current applications of business marketing initiatives are included in every chapter. These new features allow students to examine strategy, innovations, relationships, global ethics and corporate responsibility, Internet, and metrics aspects of business practice. Applications stress the management of strategic relationships throughout the value chain. |