Marketing And Outreach For The Academic Library: New Approaches And Initiatives Lee Eden, Bradford Rowman & Littlefield Publisher Inc |
Comercio Internacional (I): Mercadotecnía Internacional Importación-Exportación Mercado H, Salvador. Cesol |
Conocimiento Para Innovar. Cómo Evitar la Miopía en la Gestión del Conocimiento Arboníes, Ángel Ediciones Diaz de Santos |
2007 Level 1. Financial Statement Analysis. Vol 3. Cfa Institute. Pearson Educacion de Mexico S.A. de C.V. |
Título: Handbook Of Niche Marketing | ||
Autor: Dalgic Tevfik | Precio: $329.00 | |
Editorial: The Haworth Press | Año: 2006 | |
Tema: Empresa, Marketing, Negocios | Edición: 1ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780789023308 | |
Ever-changing customer needs and intense competition make it crucial for companies to find new, creative ways to attract and retain customers. The Handbook of Niche Marketing: Principles and Practice fills the information gap long seen in niche marketing research by presenting the essential and influential articles from recent years in one book. This unique educational resource reveals the theories, the strategies, and real-life case studies of niche marketing success and why it is on its way to becoming the next global marketing wave.
The Handbook of Niche Marketing features respected authorities' insightful research and valuable discussions on a variety of marketing issues, such as niche marketing theory, niche vs. mass marketing, choosing niche strategy, brand loyalty, overlap, and product line cannibalization_with practical guidelines for using niche marketing strategy in various markets. This well-referenced guide includes extensive tables, graphs, illustrations, and real-life case studies to clearly illustrate ideas and concepts. |