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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Globalization On Trial
Autor: Rajaee Farhang Precio: $275.00
Editorial: Kumarian Press Inc. Año: 2000
Tema: Pensamiento, Sociedad, Cultura Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780889369092
Globalization on Trial challenges the conventional view that equates globalization with the expansion of the capitalist economic system. With a broad historical and holistic brush, the author presents a view of globalization that is both multidisciplinary and multi-cultural. Rajaee examines human governance and the paradox of globalism and nationalism (or "activism"), providing a particularly fresh perspective on Islamic civilization. He also focuses on education systems and how they will have to adapt to meet the new challenges of our global, information age. Of interest to anyone concerned with how globalization and the information revolution are affecting the nature of human civilization, and with the interaction between Islamic and Judeo-Christian or "Western" civilization.
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