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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Scale-Isometric Polytopal Graphs In Hypercubes And Cubic Lattices
Autor: Deza/ Grishukhin/ Shtogrin Precio: $506.00
Editorial: Imperial College Press Año: 2004
Tema: Ciencia, Matematicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781860944215
This monograph identifies polytopes that are "combinatorially l1-embeddable", within interesting lists of polytopal graphs, i.e. such that corresponding polytopes are either prominent mathematically (regular partitions, root lattices, uniform polytopes and so on), or applicable in chemistry (fullerenes, polycycles, etc.). The embeddability, if any, provides applications to chemical graphs and, in the first case, it gives new combinatorial perspective to "l2-prominent" affine polytopal objects.
The lists of polytopal graphs in the book come from broad areas of geometry, crystallography and graph theory. The book concentrates on such concise and, as much as possible, independent definitions. The scale-isometric embeddability _ the main unifying question, to which those lists are subjected _ is presented with the minimum of technicalities.
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