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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Applied Analysis
Autor: Senba Takasi/ Suzuki Takashi Precio: $748.00
Editorial: Imperial College Press Año: 2004
Tema: Ciencia, Matematicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781860944406
This book provides a general introduction to applied analysis; vector analysis with physical motivation, calculus of variation, Fourier analysis, eigenfunction expansion, distribution, and so forth, including a catalogue of mathematical theories, such as basic analysis, topological spaces, complex function theory, real analysis, and abstract analysis. This book also gives fundamental ideas of applied mathematics to discuss recent developments in nonlinear science, such as mathematical modeling of reinforced random motion of particles, semi-conductor device equation in applied physics, and chemotaxis in biology. Several tools in linear PDE theory, such as fundamental solutions, Perron's method, layer potentials, iteration scheme, are described, as well as systematic descriptions on the recent study of blowup of the solution.
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