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Génesis de la Desorientación Moderna: una Aproximacióm a la Relación Histórica E Talancón E. , José Luis Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
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<<planos Geognósticos de los Alpes, la Suiza y el Tirol>> Los: de Carlos de Gimb Parra del Río, María Dolores Doce Calles |
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Ciencia del Alma, La: Locura y Modernidad en la Cultura Española del Siglo XIX Novella, Enric Iberoamericana Vervuert |
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Título: Facing Up. Science And Its Cultural Adversaries | |
Autor: Weinberg, Steven | Precio: $214.50 | |
Editorial: Harvard University Press | Año: 2003 | |
Tema: Ciencia, Cultura, Sociedad | Edición: 1ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780674011205 | |
Steven Weinberg isn't ashamed of science. Of course, as a Nobel winner in physics, he does have emotional capital invested in the enterprise, but most of his arguments are sound and compelling. Facing Up is a collection of his essays, written over 15 years, celebrating and defending mainstream science. Rising up against the cultural critics who insist that science is essentially politics or even imperialism dressed up in a white coat, he is patient and eloquent as he explains how their misreadings of scientific literature and their own preconceptions guide their reasoning. From mildly wonkish to endearingly passionate, his writing engages the reader's full attention regardless of cultural affiliation. Science lovers will adore Weinberg's unabashed boosterism, while skeptics can try to rise to his challenge. --Rob Lightner -- |