Enemigos Fueron Todos: Vigilancia y Persecución Política en el México Posrevoluc Valdez César Bonilla Artigas Editores |
Historia Imperial del Santo Oficio (Siglos XV-Xix) Fernando Ciaramitaro, Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço Bonilla Artigas Editores |
Comerciantes, Militares y Sacerdotes Vascos en el Mundo Hispánico del Siglo XVII Torales Pacheco, María Cristina Bonilla Artigas Editores |
Libertades Universitarias Bajo la Monarquía Hispánica, Las: Salamanca, México Y Pavón Romero, Armando; Blasco Gil, Yolanda Bonilla Artigas Editores |
El Crisol y la Flama: Grupos Sociales y Cofradías en Pátzcuaro (Siglos XVI y XVI Flores García, Laura Gemma Bonilla Artigas Editores |
La Caída del Imperio Otomano y la Creación de Medio Oriente Carlos Martínez Assad Bonilla Artigas Editores |
Exilio Español y Su Vida Cotidiana en México, El. Serrano Migallón, Fernando; Woldenberg José Bonilla Artigas Editores |
La Corte de Isabel II y la Revoluciónde 1854 en Madrid Madame Calderón de la Barca; Raúl Figueroa Esquer Bonilla Artigas Editores |
Título: Educating The Right Way: Markets, Standards, God, And Inequality | ||
Autor: Apple, Michael | Precio: $326.46 | |
Editorial: Routledge | Año: 2006 | |
Tema: Historia, Educación, Politica | Edición: 2ª | |
Sinopsis | ISBN: 9780415952729 | |
Educating the "Right" Way provided a detailed and systematic critical analysis of the growing power of conservative movements in educational policy and practice.. Since its publication, the worrisome trends it analyzes have worsened and have come into the very center of education in countries throughout the world. In this revised edition, noted scholar Michael Apple reflects on how many of the new wave of conservative policies and reforms that have come to the forefront of education debates since the book was publishedNo Child Left Behind, the increase in homeschooling, and more recent debates on anti-evolutionism.
This thoroughly revised edition of Educating the "Right" Way will bring us up to date on what are now clearly lasting transformations in the movements, ideologies, assumptions, structures, and practices of education. The education envisioned by these emphases moves us in directions that are deeply worrisome for anyone committed to an education that is worthy of its name. Byproviding a detailed and even higher critical examination of what is currently happening and by pointing to ways in which it might be interrupted, this edition can assist us in challenging what is increasingly becoming a dangerous commonsense in education. |