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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Beauty And Healthcare
Autor: Saito Kaori Precio: $855.00
Editorial: Pie Books Año: 2009
Tema: Marketing Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9784894447295
To win loyal customers in this fiercely competitive market, it's important to understand that high-quality package design is a vital element of a winning marketing strategy. "Pretty," "cute," and "fashionable" are buzzwords in the beauty and healthcare industry. This book presents some of the proven high-quality package designs in the field. The words "organic" and "sweets" are frequently used to entice the female demographic. A simple definition of the word "organic" describes ingredients sourced from nature. Earth tones and images from fruits, plants, the sea, and the sky are often utilized in packages to express the content of such products. The customer receives the powerful message from the package design that nature equates to peace of mind and a sense of security. By using the "sweets" approach, packages and perfumes are made to resemble cakes and desserts. For example, the Sexy Girl hand and body cream comes in fruit punch, strawberry mille-feuille, and peach tart fragrances. The packaging incorporates visuals of mouth-watering sweets for each fragrance. The approach of using packaging design to appeal to women has become a successful ploy in stimulating discussion among women and attracting the attention of female consumers. Designers and creative professionals not only in the package and product design industry but also in other fields will find this book useful as a source of creative ideas for design.
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