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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Culture And Rights: Anthropological Perspectives
Autor: Jane K. Cowan Precio: $756.00
Editorial: Cambridge University Press Año: 2001
Tema: Antropologia Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780521797351
Do people everywhere have the same, or even compatible, ideas about multiculturalism, indigenous rights or women's rights? The authors of this book move beyond the traditional terms of the universalism versus cultural relativism debate. Through detailed case studies from around the world (Hawaii, France, Thailand, Botswana, Greece, Nepal and Canada) they explore the concrete effects of rights talk and rights institutions on people's lives.

Ground debate about the universalism or relativism of human rights in concrete and specific social struggles as opposed to abstract social and legal theory
It examines the strengths and limitations, as well as the unintended consequences, of making human rights claims on the basis of notions of culture, community or tradition
Interdisciplinary approach provides different perspectives
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