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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Successful Virtual Classroom: How To Design And Facilitate Interactive And Engag
Autor: Darlene Christopher Precio: $719.00
Editorial: Amacom American Management Association Año: 2014
Tema: Capacitacion Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780814434284
Virtual training gives learning professionals unprecedented flexibility, making it possible to reach participants globally and unite physically dispersed teams. But designers and facilitators must adapt their programs and delivery styles in order to be effective in this new medium. "The Successful Virtual Classroom"goes beyond introducing the technology, to offer trainers proven techniques tailored specifically to engage live online audiences. Packed with easy-to-use tools, checklists, and worksheets--as well as case studies from Oracle, UPS, and more--the book introduces the PREP model for planning, rehearsing, executing, and then conducting a postmortem following the training event. Readers will learn how to:

Make the most of virtual classroom features such as content and screen sharing, annotation tools, polls, and breakout rooms
Weave chat responses into the discussion
Compensate for the absence of body language
Monitor feedback
Engage individuals with different learning styles
Encourage audience contribution
Meet the unique needs of global participants
And more Featuring icebreakers and interactive exercises designed for an online environment, this book helps readers create programs that truly drive learner engagement.
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