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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: The Collected Mathematical Papers Of Henry John Stephen Smith
Autor: J. W. L. Glaisher Precio: Desconocido
Editorial: American Mathematical Society Año: 1965
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780828401876
This publication includes all the mathematical papers of H.J.S. Smith in chronological order, enabling readers to trace the course of his mathematical studies and tastes. Most of the papers are in English, some of the papers or notes are in French. His work falls into three distinct groups: Geometry, Theory of Numbers, and Elliptic Functions. The first paper in Volume II [Mémoire sur quelques problèmes cubiques et biquadratiques] was a prize memoir for which, cojointly with another memoir, the Steinder Prize of the Berlin Academy was awarded. This publication also includes a Biographical Sketch by Charles H. Pearson; Recollections of Henry J.S. Smith by Jowett, Lord Bowen, J.L. Strachan-Davidson and Alfred Robinson; Introduction to the Mathematical Papers by the Editor, J.W.L. Glaisher.

Table of Contents
Volume I

On some of the methods at present in use in pure geometry
On some geometrical constructions
De compositione numerorum primorum formae 4?+1 ex duobus quadratis
On the history of the researches of mathematicians on the subject of the series of prime numbers
Report on the theory of numbers. Part I
Report on the theory of numbers. Part II
Report on the theory of numbers. Part III
Report on the theory of numbers. Part IV
Report on the theory of numbers. Part V
Report on the theory of numbers. Part VI
On systems of indeterminate linear equations
On systems of linear indeterminate equations and congruences
On the criterion of resolubility in integral numbers of the indeterminate equation f=ax2+a?x?2+a??x??2+2bx?x??+2b?xx??+2b??x?x=0
On the orders and genera of quadratic forms containing more than three indeterminates
On complex binary quadratic forms
On a formula for the multiplication of four theta functions
On the orders and genera of ternary quadratic forms
On the orders and genera of quadratic forms containing more than three indeterminates
On some geometrical constructions
Observatio geometrica
On the focal properties of homographic figures
On the focal properties of correlative figures

Volume II

Mémoire sur quelques problèmes cubiques et biquadratiques
Arithmetical notes
On the integration of discontinuous functions
On the higher singularities of plane curves
Mathematical notes
Note on continued fractions
Note on the theory of the Pellian equation, and of binary quadratic forms of a positive determinant
On the value of a certain arithmetical determinant
On the present state and prospects of some branches of pure mathematics
On the conditions of perpendicularity in a parallelepipedal system
On the conditions of perpendicularity in a parallelepipedal system
Sur le intégrales elliptiques complètes
Mémoire sur les équations modulaires
On the singularities of the modular equations and curves
Note on a modular equation of the transformation of the third order
Note on the formula for the multiplication of four theta functions
De fractionibus quibusdam continuis
On some discontinuous series considered by Riemann
Notes on the theory of elliptic transformation
Notes on the theory of elliptic transformation
Memoir on the theta and omega functions
Mémoire sur la représentation des nombres par des sommes de cinq carrés


Address to the mathematical and physical section of the British Association at Bradford in 1873
Arithmetical instruments
Geometrical instruments and models
Introduction to the mathematical papers of William Kingdon Clifford
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