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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Linear Integral Equations
Autor: Kanwal, Ram P. Precio: $1001.61
Editorial: Birkhauser Año: 1997
Tema: Matematicas, Ecuaciones Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781461460114
Affordable reprint of a classic graduate textbook
Emphasis on applications to theoretical mechanics, mathematical physics, and applied mathematics
Presents a variety of techniques with extensive examples
Many physical problems that are usually solved by differential equation methods can be solved more effectively by integral equation methods. Such problems abound in applied mathematics, theoretical mechanics, and mathematical physics. This uncorrected softcover reprint of the second edition places the emphasis on applications and presents a variety of techniques with extensive examples. Originally published in 1971, Linear Integral Equations is ideal as a text for a beginning graduate level course. Its treatment of boundary value problems also makes the book useful to researchers in many applied fields.

Content Level » Graduate

Keywords » Differential Equations - Fredholm Theory - Integral Equations - Mixed Boundary Value Problems - Successive Approximations - Symmetric Kernels
Disponibilidad: Bajo pedido    Contáctanos  ó Solicítalo
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