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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Matrices And Determinoids: Volume 2
Autor: C. E. Cullis Precio: $768.81
Editorial: Cambridge University Press Año: 2012
Tema: Matematicas, Ecuaciones Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781107620834
Originally published in 1918, this book forms part of a three-volume work created to expand upon the content of a series of lectures delivered at the University of Calcutta during the winter of 1909-10. The chief feature of all three volumes is that they deal with rectangular matrices and determinoids as distinguished from square matrices and determinants, the determinoid of a rectangular matrix being related to it in the same way as a determinant is related to a square matrix. An attempt is made to set forth a complete and consistent theory or calculus of rectangular matrices and determinoids. The second volume contains further developments of the general theory, including a discussion of matrix equations of the second degree. It also contains a large number of applications to algebra and to analytical geometry of space of two, three and n dimensions.
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