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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Derivatives Of Inner Functions
Autor: Mashreghi, Javad Precio: $1793.67
Editorial: Springer Verlag Año: 2013
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781461456100
Includes a comprehensive list of results on integral means taken from several research papers
Text is concise and self-contained, making it easily accessible to graduate students
Provides rapid access to the frontiers of research in this field
Derivatives of Inner Functions was inspired by a conference held at the Fields Institute in 2011 entitled "Blaschke Products and Their Applications." Inner functions form an important subclass of bounded analytic functions. Since they have unimodular boundary values, they appear in many extremal problems of complex analysis. They have been extensively studied since the early twentieth century and the literature on this topic is vast. This book is devoted to a concise study of derivatives of inner functions and is confined to treating the integral means of derivatives and presenting a comprehensive list of results on Hardy and Bergman means.

This self-contained monograph allows researchers to get acquainted with the essentials of inner functions, rendering this theory accessible to graduate students while providing the reader with rapid access to the frontiers of research in this field.

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Bergman spaces - Blaschke products - Caratheodory derivative - bounded analytic functions - integral means

Related subjects » Analysis
Disponibilidad: Bajo pedido    Contáctanos  ó Solicítalo
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