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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Connecting The Dots
Autor: Benko Cathleen Precio: $650.00
Editorial: Harvard Business Review Book .- Hbs Press Año:
Tema: Negocios Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781578518777
Organizations are struggling for greater return on their multibillion-dollar technology and project-related investments. Individual projects may be useful, but when examined collectively, they often work at cross-purposes, duplicate each other's efforts, or aim for
obsolescing business objectives. And all are competing for scarce resources. In today's earnings-driven business environment, companies must look to their portfolios to better deliver on objectives and propel the organization forward.Based on their experience with a variety of companies, authors Cathleen Benko and distinguished professor F. Warren McFarlan have developed an alignment approach that better connects an organization's project portfolio to its corporate objectives in a manner responsive to today's unpredictable environment."Connecting the Dots" provides a scalable framework and practical tools for better aligning a company's: project portfolio with its objectives; individual projects with each other; and portfolio and objectives with the volatile environment
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