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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Working In The Music Industry
Autor: Britten, Anna Precio: Desconocido
Editorial: How Books Año: 2009
Tema: Musica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781845283575
The music industry is one of the most exciting, glamorous and fun places you could ever work in. It's also a fiercely competitive world, both for jobseekers and those already on the inside. But opportunities arise constantly, and are within the grasp of almost anyone with a true passion for music and a hard-working attitude. This book aims to help you take your first step into what will hopefully be a long and satisfying career in an endlessly fascinating world. Each chapter covers a field of work within the music industry - from record companies to recording studios to roadies - and is crammed with honest, realistic, practical and helpful advice. Insider secrets and individual case studies throw even more light on the subject.
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