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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Topics On Hyperbolic Polynomials In One Variable - Pasy/33
Autor: Petrov Kostov, Vladimir Precio: $730.00
Editorial: Societe Mathematique de France Año: 2011
Tema: Matematicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9782856293461
This book exposes recent results about hyperbolic polynomials in one real variable, i.e. having all their roots real. It contains a study of the stratification and the geometric properties of the domain in Rn of the values of the coefficients aj for which the polynomial P:=xn+a1xn-1+?+an is hyperbolic. Similar studies are performed w.r.t. very hyperbolic polynomials, i.e. hyperbolic and having hyperbolic primitives of any order, and w.r.t. stably hyperbolic ones, i.e. real polynomials of degree n which become hyperbolic after multiplication by xk and addition of a suitable polynomial of degree k-1.

New results are presented concerning the Schur-Szego composition of polynomials, in particular of hyperbolic ones, and of certain entire functions. The question about the arrangement of the n(n+1)/2 roots of the polynomials P, P(1),_,P(n-1) is studied for n=5 with the help of the discriminant sets Res(P(i),P(j))=0.

A publication of the Société Mathématique de France, Marseilles (SMF), distributed by the AMS in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Orders from other countries should be sent to the SMF. Members of the SMF receive a 30% discount from list.
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