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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Main Trends In The Science Of Lenguage
Autor: Jakobson, Roman Precio: $480.00
Editorial: Routledge Año: 2013
Tema: Lenguaje Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780415642521
First published in Great Britain in 1973, Main Trends in the Science of Language was part of a series of books that resulted from a study carried out by UNESCO in collaboration with national and international research centres in the social sciences, as well as with groups of individual scholars. The book examines the position of linguistics in the years surrounding the publication of the book before considering the subject's potential, future development. It looks at linguistic vistas, the place of linguistics among the sciences of man and linguistics and natural sciences. This book will be of interest to the educated reader, research workers, and professional associations as well as to national and international institutions that organize, plan and finance scientific research.
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