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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Book Production
Autor: Bullock, Adrian Precio: $575.00
Editorial: Routledge Año: 2012
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780415593809
The digital revolution has brought with it a wider range of options for creating and producing print on paper products than ever seen before. With the growing demand for skills and knowledge with which to exploit the potential of digital technology, comes the need for a comprehensive book that not only makes it possible for production staff, editors, and designers to understand how the technology affects the industry they work in, but also provides them with the skills and competencies they need to work in it smartly and effectively. This book is designed to satisfy this need.

Book Production falls into two parts:

The first part deals with the increasingly important role of production as project managers, a role which has not been adequately written about in any of the recent literature on publishing.
The second part deals with the processes and raw materials used in developing and manufacturing print on paper products. Case studies are used to illustrate why and how some processes or raw materials may or may not be appropriate for a particular job.

With expert opinions and case studies, and a consideration of the practices and issues involved, this offers a comprehensive overview of book production for anyone working, or training to work in or in conjunction with the books industry.
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